The effect of presentations



Will better presentations really improve your business development efforts?


That depends on the answer to a couple of questions.


Is your company always clearly the superior choice in the minds of your prospects? Or have you ever been told, "It was very close, but in the end we decided to go with your competitor."


If it has always been very clear to your customers and prospects that your company is superior, and in all likelihood nothing is going to change that, then better presentations are probably not going to have much effect.


However, if you ever find yourself in a close race with your competition, then more professional, flexible and consistent presentations will definitely make an important difference in your business development efforts.



Can 300 million people be wrong?





It’s estimated that PowerPoint™ has over 300 million users, giving an average of 1 million presentations every working day. The average presentation contains approximately 150 bullet-points, which means 150,000,000 bullet points will be presented today alone.


How many of those bullet points do you think really hit their target?


Is it possible to give professional, consistent presentations without losing the flexibility of PowerPoint?


Yes, again.


Take a look at iMarcTM.


iMarc is an interactive sales presentation platform that combines the professionalism and flexibility of interactive multimedia with the customizing capability of PowerPoint. The effect is that critical images and messages are delivered consistently and very impressively, and you can still tailor the presentation to a specific customer. The best of both worlds.


iMarc will transform your presentations, making them professional, flexible and consistent.




iPoint Demonstration


One of the defining attributes of iMarc is that it provides sales, marketing and other groups all over the world the ability to share and access the most up to date presentation content available in the company.


Below is a demonstration of an iMarc module designed to facilitate the management of PowerPoint presentations.